
Shulun Jiang

Shulun Jiang

PhD Candidate
Arts, Design & Architecture
School of Education

Supervisors:?Hoa Nguyen, Jihyun Lee

In 2019, I graduated from Southwest University of Science and Technology in China and received the Bachelor degree, majoring in Translation and Interpreting. In 2022, I graduated from Ocean University of China and achieved the Master degree, majoring in Subject Teaching (English). I have extensive internship and work experience. I worked as an English teacher in an institution from 2020 to 2022. Besides, I taught in a public junior high school in my internship. After graduating with the Master degree, I worked in an international middle school. The rich learning and working experience makes me better apply theory to practice, and makes a solid foundation for future profession.


  • Jiang, S. (2024). A study on intelligent translation of English sentences by a semantic feature extractor. Journal of Intelligent Systems, 33(1), 20230113.
  • Jiang, S. (2022, December). Research on the Present Situation of Middle School Teachers’ Disciplinary Power and Implementation Countermeasures. In 2022 5th International Conference on Humanities Education and Social Sciences (ICHESS 2022) (pp. 1154-1161). Atlantis Press.
  • 姜书伦.(2021).初探翻转课堂方式下的初中英语阅读个性化教学策略. 中学生英语(08),77. doi:CNKI:SUN:ZXSY.0.2021-08-074. (Explore the personalized teaching strategy of junior middle school English reading under the flipped classroom mode)
  • 姜书伦.(2018).刍议英语翻译中跨文化视角转换及翻译技巧. 校园英语(09),238. doi:CNKI:SUN:XYYY.0.2018-09-213. (Discussion on cross-cultural perspective conversion and translation skills in English translation)

Prior Graduation Theses

  • Master degree (2022)
    The effect of different forms of written corrective feedback on the junior high school students’ acquisition of subject-verb agreement
  • Bachelor degree (2019)
    Comparative analysis of two Chinese versions of And Then There Were None from the perspective of domestication and foreignization