
What an incredible 2024 for women in sports including the Australian Olympic & Paralympic teams success at the 2024 Paris Olympic Games with UNSW representatives Bronte Halligan (water polo) and Jamieson Leeson (boccia) taking home silver medals. We look forward to further recognising the successes and the achievements of leaders and participants in women’s sport at UNSW at our Active Women in Sport Awards on Thursday, 27 February 2025. 

There are 5 awards to be presented on the night including: 

Can be awarded for either of the following:

(a) Recognises a woman for her outstanding achievements during 2023, as a coach, official, administrator, leader or volunteer.
(Student, staff, alumni, club or community member)

(b) Recognises a woman for her commitment to furthering opportunities for women and girls to participate.
(Student, staff, alumni, club or community member)

Outstanding Club: 
Recognises a club’s significant contribution and commitment to the advancement of sport for women and girls during 2023.
(UNSW Sporting Club or Society)

Trailblazers whose exceptional efforts over the long-term have removed barriers for women and girls in sport and made it easier for them to participate and succeed. Trailblazers’ efforts have left a legacy for their club, community or sport that will not be forgotten.
(Student, staff, alumni, club or community member)

SHE CAN Award:
Can be awarded for either of the following:

(a) An individual or club or group that has made a significant impact, difference, or contribution to women’s sport through the SHE CAN program.
(Student, staff or club)

(b) An individual participant who has shown enthusiasm and commitment in their participation in SHE CAN which has led to ongoing benefit and personal development.

First Year Star: 
A first year student who has made a significant contribution to women’s sport at UNSW.
(First year student only)

To nominate someone for one of these awards click the NOMINATE button above.

We look forward to celebrating the incredible women in our UNSW sporting community!

Nominations will close Sunday, February 2. 


Thursday, February 27, 2025


6:00pm to 8:00pm


The Lounge UNSW