Associate Professor Fiona Buick
- PhD in Management, University of Canberra (2012)
- Masters of Human Resource Management,University of Canberra (2007)
- Graduate Diploma in Employment Relations,University of Canberra (2001)
- Bachelor of Applied Psychology,University of Canberra (2000)
Dr Fiona Buick is the Deputy Head of School (Education) and a Senior Lecturer in the School of Businessat UNSW, Canberra. My research identifies key people management challenges within public sector organisations and how to address them. In particular, how to improve human resource practices and processes to build capacity and achieve desired outcomes.
Specific areas of focus so far have been organisational culture, performance management, middle manager capability development, machinery of government changes, employee well-being, and hybrid working.
I was the lead on the ANZSOG / ACT Public Service research project "Flexible working in the Australian Capital Territory Public Service" (seehttps://anzsog.edu.au/news/how-public-services-can-meet-employees-preference-for-flexible-work/). I was also the lead on the National Disability Research Partnership work on disability research capacity (seehttps://www.ndrp.org.au/research-capacity).
I obtained my Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Management, Masters of Human Resource Management, Graduate Diploma in Employment Relations and a Bachelor of Applied Psychology, all from the University of Canberra. Prior to commencing my PhD, I worked as a human resource practitioner in the Australian Public Service and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation.
I am available to supervise Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates, particularly PhD candidates.
- Publications
- Media
- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
- 2021-22: ANZSOG funded project, Flexible Working in the ACTPS ($97,445.94)
- 2022: National Disability Research Partnership, Disability Research Capacity in Australia: Where Do We Need To Be and How Can We Get There? ($51,235.23)
- 2021:National Disability Research Partnership, Disability Research Capacity Definitions and Frameworks ($10,000)
- 2022 Recipient of the Richard A. Swanson Research Excellence Award, prestigious award sponsored by The Academy of Human Resource Development:
- Blackman, D., Buick, F., Johnson, S., Rooney, J. and Ilahee, N. 2021. Using system traps to understand and potentially prevent human resource development intervention failure. Human Resource Development Quarterly. DOI: 10.1002/hrdq.21434. Impact Factor: 4.077; SNIP: 1.738. .
- 2019 Awarded the Best Article of 2019 in the Review of Public Personnel Administration:
- Blackman, D., Buick, F., O’Flynn, J., O’Donnell, M. and West, D. 2017. ‘Managing expectations to create high performance government’. Review of Public Personnel Administration. DOI: 10.1177/0734371X17701544. Impact Factor: 6.047; SNIP: 2.837.
- 2016: Recipient of the Louis Brownlow Award presented to the authors of the best PAR article by a practitioner in 2016:
- Buick, F, Blackman, D, O’Flynn, J, West, D, & O’Donnell, M, 2016, ‘Effective practitioner-scholar relationships: Lessons from a co-production partnership’, Public Administration Review, 76(1): 35-47. DOI: 10.1111/puar.12481
- 2013: Recipient of theCarlo Masini Award for Innovative Scholarship and the Charles H. Levine Best Conference Paper for the Public and Nonprofit Division:
- Blackman, D., Buick, F., O’Donnell, M., O’Flynn, J. and West, D. 2013. ‘Managing Expectations to Create High Performance Government’. Academy of Management Proceedings. Lake Buena Vista (Orlando). 9-13 August. [Peer-reviewed].
- Blackman, D., Buick, F., O’Donnell, M., O’Flynn, J. and West, D. 2013. ‘Managing Expectations to Create High Performance Government’. Academy of Management Proceedings. Lake Buena Vista (Orlando). 9-13 August. [Peer-reviewed].
I contribute to the overall performance of the Capability stream of the Public Service Research Group. My contributions are as follows:
- Leading the Flexible working in the ACTPS project (funded by ANZSOG)
- Leading the Disability Research capacity work (funded by the NDRP)
- Working on a project on well-being in a Division of a large APS department
- Undertaking research into machinery of government changes, both in the APS and Australian public sector more broadly
- Continuing to publish from previous research projects, including the Strengthening the Performance Framework project (seehttps://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2275681) and Middle Management Capability project
In the media:
Weeratunga, V., Glennie, M., Tani, M. and Buick, F. 2022. Public sector organisations aren’t ready to unleash the power of data. Mandarin. 17 March. https://www.themandarin.com.au/184394-public-sector-organisations-arent-ready-to-unleash-the-power-of-data/
ANZSOG. 2022. How public services can meet employees’ preference for flexible work, 7 October. https://anzsog.edu.au/news/how-public-services-can-meet-employees-preference-for-flexible-work/.Article promoting a research project I led.
ANZSOG. 2021.ANZSOG funds research into how the public sector can support flexible working, 21 September.https://anzsog.edu.au/news/anzsog-funds-research-into-how-the-public-sector-can-support-flexible-working/. Article promoting a research project I led.
Carey, G. and Buick, F. 2019.What Do Morrison’s Changes to The APS Mean for Public Servants And Policy? Australian Institute of International Affairs,https://www.internationalaffairs.org.au/australianoutlook/what-do-morrisons-changes-to-the-aps-mean-for-public-servants-and-policy/.
Blackman, D. and Buick, F. 2022. Public Sector Perspectives podcast: Wellbeing in the public purpose sector. IPAA Victoria Podcast. Public Sector Perspectives podcast: Wellbeing in the public purpose sector — IPAA Victoria
Contributed to The boundaries between Australian disability services and prisons (with Mindy Sotiri, Caroline Doyle, Shannon Dodd, Sophie Yates and Helen Dickinson)
Contributions to reviews:
Blackman D; Dickinson H; Gardner K; Buick F; Johnson S; Olney S. 2018. Submission to the Independent Review of the Australian Public Service. Public Service Research Group, School of Business, UNSW Canberra.
My Teaching
I am interested in how organisations can optimise their success through more proactive, systematic and strategic people management; this underpins my teaching which currently coversDeveloping Organisational Capability (ZBUS8316) and Workforce Planning (ZBUS8317).
I am also the key contact for our Master of Workforce Planning program.
I have previously taught a range of human resource management courses, including:
- Managing Pay and Performance (UG)
- Managing Human Resources (UG)
- International Workplace Relations (UG)
- Human Resource Management (PG)
- Workforce Planning (UG)