
Dr Jordan Gacutan

Dr Jordan Gacutan

Post-Doc Fellow
Law & Justice
School of Global & Public Law

Jordan is a Senior Research Fellow based at the Sustainable Development Reform Hub, School of Global and Public Law. His interdisciplinary research focuses on:

  • Bridging science and policy through natural capital accounting — including the use of international accounting standards to measure and manage environmental assets and ecosystem services.
  • Using citizen science for public policy — in particular how citizen science could inform policy and management to address the global challenge of plastic pollution.
  • Strengthening evidence for ocean governance frameworks — through the integration of multiple streams of data and knowledge to support marine spatial planning, marine protected areas and other effective ecosystem based management frameworks.
  • Book Chapters | 2024
    Lockerbie E; Loureiro TG; Schramm AJC; Gacutan J; Yulianto I; Rosdiana A; Kurniawan FAK, 2024, 'Role of Ocean Accounts in Transitioning Toward a Sustainable Blue Economy', in Handbook of Sustainable Blue Economy, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp. 1 - 33,
    Book Chapters | 2021
    Clark GF; Gacutan J; Lawther R; Johnston EL; Tait H; Bednarz T, 2021, 'A visualization tool for citizen-science marine debris big data', in Source-to-Sea Management, Routledge, pp. 76 - 88,
  • Journal articles | 2024
    Gacutan J; Tait H; Clark GF, 2024, 'Assessing drivers of estuarine debris using a Bayesian spatial modelling approach (INLA-SPDE)', Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 296,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Gacutan J; Tait H; Jones J; Charlesworth B; Hood L, 2024, 'Citizen science supports national reporting of a Sustainable Development Goal indicator: A case study of plastic debris density on beaches', Environmental Science and Policy, 161,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Perkiss S; Gacutan J; Moerman L; Nichols R; Voyer M; Atchison J; Brennan-Horley C; Herath S, 2024, 'Exploring Accounting for the Ocean: Utilisation of the Sociology of Worth to Assess Current Practice and Develop Propositions for Holistic Accounting', Social and Environmental Accountability Journal,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Rahayu AK; Arhatin RE; Gacutan J; Agung F; Pingkan J; Rosdiana A; Yulianto I, 2024, 'Optimising Marine Basic Spatial Units (MBSU) for Ocean Accounting using empirical data from Saleh Bay, Indonesia', One Ecosystem, 9,
    Journal articles | 2024
    Trueb L; Gacutan J; Praphotjanaporn T; Alarcon Blazquez M; Milligan B, 2024, 'Identifying the institutional modalities for commencing Environmental-Economic Accounting for the ocean', Marine Policy, 170,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Alarcon Blazquez MG; van der Veeren R; Gacutan J; James PAS, 2023, 'Compiling preliminary SEEA Ecosystem Accounts for the OSPAR regional sea: experimental findings and lessons learned', One Ecosystem, 8,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Gacutan J; Oliver JL; Tait H; Praphotjanaporn T; Milligan BM, 2023, 'Exploring how citizen science projects measuring beach plastic debris can support UN Sustainable Development Goals', Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 8,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Gacutan J; Tait H; Johnston EL; Clark GF, 2023, 'Assessing human and physical drivers of macro-plastic debris spatially across Queensland, Australia', Environmental Pollution, 330,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Loureiro TG; Milligan B; Gacutan J; Adewumi IJ; Findlay K, 2023, 'Ocean accounts as an approach to foster, monitor, and report progress towards sustainable development in a changing ocean – The Systems and Flows Model', Marine Policy, 154,
    Journal articles | 2023
    Sherow B; Gacutan J; Tait H; Johnston EL; Clark GF, 2023, 'Land use and COVID-19 lockdowns influence debris composition and abundance in stormwater drains', Science of the Total Environment, 871,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Gacutan J; Foulsham E; Turnbull JW; Smith SDA; Clark GF, 2022, 'Mapping marine debris risk using expert elicitation, empirical data, and spatial modelling', Environmental Science and Policy, 138, pp. 44 - 55,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Gacutan J; Galparsoro I; Pınarbaşı K; Murillas A; Adewumi IJ; Praphotjanaporn T; Johnston EL; Findlay KP; Milligan BM, 2022, 'Marine spatial planning and ocean accounting: Synergistic tools enhancing integration in ocean governance', Marine Policy, 136,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Gacutan J; Johnston EL; Tait H; Smith W; Clark GF, 2022, 'Continental patterns in marine debris revealed by a decade of citizen science', Science of the Total Environment, 807,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Gacutan J; Lal KK; Herath S; Lantz C; Taylor MD; Milligan BM, 2022, 'Using Ocean Accounting towards an integrated assessment of ecosystem services and benefits within a coastal lake', One Ecosystem, 7,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Gacutan J; Pınarbaşı K; Agbaglah M; Bradley C; Galparsoro I; Murillas A; Adewumi I; Praphotjanaporn T; Bordt M; Findlay K; Lantz C; Milligan BM, 2022, 'The emerging intersection between marine spatial planning and ocean accounting: A global review and case studies', Marine Policy, 140,
    Journal articles | 2022
    Loureiro TG; Gacutan J; Milligan BM; Praphotjanaporn T; Findlay K, 2022, 'Every account counts for sustainable development: lessons from the African CoP to implement ocean accounts in the Western Indian Ocean region', Western Indian Ocean Journal of Marine Science, 2022, pp. 139 - 165,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Clark GF; Gacutan J; Lawther R; Johnston EL; Tait H; Bednarz T, 2021, 'A visualization tool for citizen-science marine debris big data', Water International, 46, pp. 211 - 223,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Galparsoro I; Pınarbaşı K; Gissi E; Culhane F; Gacutan J; Kotta J; Cabana D; Wanke S; Aps R; Bazzucchi D; Cozzolino G; Custodio M; Fetissov M; Inácio M; Jernberg S; Piazzi A; Paudel KP; Ziemba A; Depellegrin D, 2021, 'Operationalisation of ecosystem services in support of ecosystem-based marine spatial planning: insights into needs and recommendations', Marine Policy, 131,
    Journal articles | 2019
    Gacutan J; Galparsoro I; Murillas-Maza A, 2019, 'Towards an understanding of the spatial relationships between natural capital and maritime activities: A Bayesian Belief Network approach', Ecosystem Services, 40, pp. 101034,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Fellowes TE; Gacutan J; Harris DL; Vila-Concejo A; Webster JM; Byrne M, 2017, 'Patterns of Sediment Transport Using Foraminifera Tracers across Sand Aprons on the Great Barrier Reef', Journal of Coastal Research, 33, pp. 864 - 873,
    Journal articles | 2017
    Gacutan J; Vila-Concejo A; Nothdurft LD; Fellowes TE; Cathey HE; Opdyke BN; Harris DL; Hamylton S; Carvalho RC; Byrne M; Webster JM, 2017, 'Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca as novel geochemical proxies for understanding sediment transport processes within coral reefs', Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 197, pp. 54 - 68,
  • Preprints | 2023
    Alarcon Blazquez MG; van der Veeren R; Gacutan J; James P, 2023, Compiling preliminary SEEA Ecosystem Accounts for the OSPAR regional sea: experimental findings and lessons learned,
    Preprints | 2023
    Gacutan J; Tait HL; Johnston EL; Clark GF, 2023, Assessing Human and Physical Drivers of Macro-Plastic Debris Across Queensland, Australia, ,
    Preprints |
    Gacutan J; Foulsham E; Turnbull JW; Smith SDA; Clark GF, Mapping Marine Debris Risk Using Expert Elicitation, Empirical Data, and Spatial Modelling, ,
    Preprints |
    Sherow B; Gacutan J; Tait H; Johnston EL; Clark GF, Land Use and COVID-19 Lockdowns Influence Debris Composition and Abundance in Stormwater Drains, ,