“Celestial Quirky Liar” explores the cheery intersection of light, colour, and personal expression. This collection reflects the joy and freedom found in embracing one’s individuality, particularly through the lens of femininity, creativity, and the natural world. Each piece was crafted using Blender to blend the playfulness and dreamlike nature of life. The flowing aurora represents a deep connection to the night sky and silence while the explosive fireworks express moments of celebration and spontaneity. The glittery purple roller skates introduce a sense of fun and self-expression, symbolising the balance between boldness and personal comfort. This work celebrates the fluidity of identity through displaying moments of joy, rebellion, and individuality. Inviting the audience to immerse themselves in the playful side of life, while cherishing the beauty of short-lived moments and the freedom of self-expression.
Artwork medium: Blender and Adobe Substance 3D