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Enrolment Sequences
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3061 - Bachelor of Science (Honours) (Food Science)
3132 - Materials Science and Engineering (Honours) / Engineering Science
3635 - Bachelor of Engineering (Civil Engineering w Architecture) (Hons)
3707 - Bachelor of Engineering (Honours)
3764 - Bachelor of Engineering (Hons)/ Bachelor of Commerce
3765 - Bachelor of Engineering (Hons)/ Bachelor of Law
3767 - Bachelor of Engineering (Hons)/ Bachelor of Science
3768 - Engineering (Honours) / Biomedical Engineering
3773 - Bachelor of Engineering (Hons)/ Bachelor of Engineering Science
3776 - Bachelor of Engineering (Hons)/ Bachelor of Surveying
3778 - Bachelor of Computer Science
3785 - Bachelor of Engineering (Hons)/ Bachelor of Computer Science
3961 - Bachelor of Engineering (Hons)/ Bachelor of Arts
8037 - Master of Science (Food Science)
8338 - Master of Engineering Science
8621 - Master of Engineering
- All -
AEROAH - Aerospace Engineering
BINFAH - Bioinformatics Engineering
BIOMBS - Biomedical Engineering
CEICAH - Chemical Engineering
CEICAH w. Humanitarian Eng - CEICAH w. Humanitarian Eng
CEICDH - Chemical Product Engineering
CEICDH w. Humanitarian Eng - CEICDH w. Humanitarian Eng
CEICJS - Chemical Process Engineering
CEICM1 - Chemical Engineering (Eng Sci)
CEICM1 (Materials Process Eng focus) - CEICM1 (Materials Process Eng focus)
COMPA1 - Computer Science
COMPBH - Computer Engineering
COMPD1 - Database Systems
COMPE1 - eCommerce Systems
COMPI1 - Artificial Intelligence
COMPJ1 - Programming Languages
COMPN1 - Computer Networks
COMPY1 - Security Engineering
CVENAH - Civil Engineering
CVENBH - Environmental Engineering
CVENCT - Transport Engineering
CVENFT - Project Management
CVENIH - Civil Engineering with Architecture
CVENIT - Water Engineering: Catchments to coasts
CVENKT - Water, Wastewater and Waste Engineering
CVENMT - Environmental Engineering
CVENRT - Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
CVENXS - Structural Engineering
CVENZS - Civil Engineering
ELECAH - Electrical Engineering
ELECBS - Electrical Engineering
ELECCH - Quantum Engineering
ELECIS - Energy Systems
ELECPS - Systems and Control
ELECTS - Space Systems Engineering
ENGGAS - Sustainable Systems
ENGGPS - Nuclear Engineering
FOODJH - Food Science and Technology
FOODJH w. Humanitarian Sci. & Tech - FOODJH w. Humanitarian Sci. & Tech
FOODKH - Food Science and Nutrition
FOODKS - Food Science and Technology
FOODNS - Food Process Engineering
GMATDH - Surveying
MANFBH - Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering
MANFCS - Manufacturing Engineering and Management
MECHAH - Mechanical Engineering
MECHIS - Mechanical Engineering
MINEAH - Mining Engineering
MTRNAH - Mechatronic Engineering
MTRNES - Robotics
PETRAH - Petroleum Engineering
PTRLBS - Petroleum Engineering
PTRLCS - Petroleum Engineering Open Learn
PTRLIS - Geothermal Engineering
SENGAH - Software Engineering
SOLAAH - Photovoltaics and Solar Energy
SOLABH - Renewable Energy Engineering
SOLABH (Humanitarian Engineering) - SOLABH (Humanitarian Engineering)
SOLABH (Low Energy Building) - SOLABH (Low Energy Building)
SOLABH (RE Systems) - SOLABH (RE Systems)
SOLACS - Photovoltaics and Solar Energy
SOLACS (Sample Electives) - SOLACS (Sample Electives)
SOLADS - Renewable Energy
SOLADS (Sample Electives) - SOLADS (Sample Electives)
SOLAGS - Renewable Energy
TELEAH - Telecommunications
TELEBS - Telecommunications
Year started
Term started
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